If you have a dependable vehicle and a cell phone, you can start your own grocery shopping business. It’s a simple business to start and operate, so you don’t need much start up money. In fact, many have started this business with just a few hundred dollars.
You may be wondering “Why would anyone pay someone else to do their grocery shopping?” Here’s why. There are two groups of people that need help with grocery shopping: those who are too busy to do their own grocery shopping, and those who have no choice, such as homebound seniors or those with health problems or handicaps that prevent even a simple trip to the grocery store. Both potential customer bases are quite large and growing every year.
If you’ve ever dreamed of starting a profitable home-based business that improves customer’s lives, becoming a personal grocery shopper could be the perfect choice for you. Starting a grocery shopping business requires no formal training, just common sense, the ability to stay organized, honesty and compassion. Patience helps too, as age has slowed down many seniors, and it takes them a bit longer to do everything than younger folks. You can start a grocery shopping business on a shoestring, with not much more than a car and a cell phone. The rewards can be great – not just in dollars and cents – but in helping seniors and others who are homebound live better lives by helping them retain their independence as long as possible. You’ll have a flexible schedule – an advantage for those who need to balance family needs with the need to earn an income.
How much can I make with a grocery shopping business?
Although most personal grocery shoppers charge a shopping/delivery fee based on the size of the grocery order, $20 for a $100 grocery order, for example, the average hourly earnings work out to about $27 an hour, or $216 for an 8-hour day. That’s quite a nice income for a business you can start on a shoestring! In addition, most grocery shoppers offer additional errand services or add-ons, so mileage surcharges and supplemental fees can increase those earnings even more.
Here’s a Sample of What You’ll Learn in Our E-Book:
Click the cover to look inside, and click “Add to Cart” to purchase.
As a special offer, we’re selling this e-book for just $24.00!
- How to start your grocery shopping business for under $600.
- How to set your rates.
- 14 high-demand services to offer.
- 11 success tips for pro grocery shoppers – follow these and you’re guaranteed to succeed.
- 9 ways to find all the customers you can handle.
- 6 essential forms for your use in your grocery shopping business.

Seven Reasons to Start a Grocery Shopping Business
- You’re the boss. No dealing with a boss or having employees.
- You get paid immediately on all your grocery deliveries.
- You don’t need any special training or education. No college degree or even a high school diploma, and opportunity is everywhere.
- You can run the business from home. This reduces your overhead costs, and your only commute is to your next customer!
- Your location is not important, as a grocery shopping business can thrive almost anywhere.
- The IRS currently allows businesses to deduct 55 cents per mile as a business expense. For many grocery shopping businesses, that can cut your taxes in half, or cover the cost of a new delivery vehicle.
- Flexible hours. Unlike many other businesses, you can operate a grocery shopping business part-time or full-time. It’s up to you. In fact, many shoppers start their business while still working at a regular job, then go full-time when they are ready.